The 12 CPR migrants in Albania on their way to Salvini and Nordio: “The judges made a political choice”

Yesterday the no to validation by the court. Demonstration for politicians

A coast guard patrol boat left Brindisi and arrived in Shengjin today to collect the 12 migrants from the Italian detention center to repatriate them to Albania where they arrived on October 16 and bring them back to Italy yesterday, on court of Rome did not do so. validated the detention at the facilities beyond the Adriatic resulting from the agreement between Rome and Tirana, after establishing that the countries of origin of the 12 people – Egypt and Bangladesh – are not considered safe . For this reason, migrants cannot be repatriated or detained in border areas and have the right to stay in Italy.

Salvini: “The judges think they are in a social center”

Decision, that of the judges of Rome, also based on the principle established by a judgment of the European Court of Justice of October 4: a country can be considered safe when all its parts are safe. However, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini considers this to be politically motivated: “It seems clear to me that there is a part of the judiciary that is strongly engaged in left-wing politics. Some judges think they are more in a community center than in a courtroom. If they don't like immigration laws, let them run for office and ask for Italians to vote,” the League secretary said on the sidelines of a meeting with voters in Imperia, also making reference to the Open Arms affair for which he is on trial.

Nordio: “Justice has exceeded its powers”

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke of a harmful choice. And while there are already rumors of a Safe Harbors decree from the government, Justice Minister Carlo Nordio also criticizes the choice of judges by calling it “political”: “If the judiciary exceeds its powers by attributing to itself prerogatives that it cannot have, such as that of defining For a secure State, politics which expresses the popular will must intervene. We respond to people, if they don't agree with what they're doing, we go home. The judiciary, which is autonomous and independent, answers to no one and cannot therefore, for this reason, assume prerogatives which are exclusively and essentially political.”

“These decisions – added the Minister of Justice – also risk creating diplomatic incidents, because defining a friendly country like Morocco as dangerous could also create problems if we consider that countries where rules that we apply apply We repudiated, such as the death penalty, even the United States would not be safe. These are questions of high politics that cannot, must not and will not be left to the judiciary. »

“But no tension”

However, the minister denied the existence of tensions between the government and the judiciary: I received members of the ANM several times. We obviously have different ideas on many things and we have always tried to converge on those which unite us for greater efficiency of justice. As a former magistrate, I would almost consider it sacrilege to think that the government to which I belong is declaring war on the judiciary, which is not and never will be, he declared on the sidelines of a conference in Palermo.

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