Absolute poverty is stable in Italy and affects 5.7 million people

An Italy stable in its poverty is the one photographed by the latest ISTAT report which collected data for 2023. There are 2.2 million families in absolute poverty, or 8.4% of the total. And a third of them have at least one foreign member. The incidence, however, decreases to 6.3% when the family members are only Italian. The phenomenon hits 5.7 million people hard, or 9.7% of Italy's total population. “Relative family poverty” is also stable at 10.6%. The condition of minors at the national level is also stable compared to 2022, with the highest value since 2014, but there are signs of worsening for children aged 7 to 13 years in the Center (the incidence is increasing from 10.7% to 13.9%). . The intensity of poverty of families with minors, equal to 20.1%, is higher than that of all poor families (18.2%), demonstrating a more marked situation of precariousness. In addition, more than 1.7 million foreigners live in absolute poverty, with an individual incidence of 35.1%, more than four and a half times higher than that of Italians (7.4%).

Absolute poverty is more prevalent among families who live in rented accommodation. In 2023, 18.1% of families residing in Italy pay rent for the accommodation in which they live; 72.8% tend to own their own home. There are approximately one million poor renting families, or 46.5% of all poor families, with an incidence of absolute poverty of 21.6% compared to 4.7% of those living in owned housing (nearly 907 thousand families). For these families, the highest incidence is recorded in the South (23.8%), followed by families in the North and Center (respectively 21% and 19.9%). For families who own the accommodation in which they live, the incidence is lower, with a maximum in the South (6.7%) and a minimum in the Center (3.6%). Those aged 35 and 44 are the poorest (equal to 24.9%), while those with an elderly reference person, aged 65 and over, are 17.3%. Rented families composed entirely of Italians present absolute poverty incidence values ​​two and a half times lower than those of families with at least one foreigner (respectively 15.0% and 37.0%); It should be noted that among poor families with foreigners, 76.8% live in rentals and only 12.5% ​​own their own accommodation compared to 32.7% and 53.9% of Italian-only poor families, respectively.

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