Insults, pants pulled down, blows to the genitals: Leonardo Calcina and harassment at the Panzini Institute in Senigallia

They made fun of him because of his last name which ends in A. And then they showered him with “insults and irreplaceable swear words”.

In the school bathroom, they pulled down his pants and hit his genitals. They made fun of him because of his last name which ends in A. And then they showered him with “insults and irreplaceable swear words”. This is the accusation against three boys, two adults and a minor, in the story of Leonardo Calcina, the 15-year-old boy who was bullied at school and committed suicide in Senigallia. His father Francesco tells his story, through family lawyer Pia Perricci, with his mother Viktoria The press. The Ancona public prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into incitement to suicide. Prosecutor Irène Bilotta began questioning her classmates. And meanwhile, a mother confirms: “The bullies made fun of the fact that she was a girl.” At the Alfredo Panzini Institute of Higher Education they also imitated him with an effeminate voice.

An ordinary bullying story

The director, Alessandro Impoco, said he had not received any reports on the matter. “It's true, they were constantly making fun of him in class and in the gym during exercise class, they were making noise at him. He was always silent. In the last few days, he just didn't speak anymore,” says a student at the school Messenger. The carabinieri have already questioned at least one of the three alleged attackers, a boy of foreign origin who repeats his crimes several times. The son had confided in his parents a few days earlier. He said he purposely put headphones in his ears so he couldn't hear them. Among the three alleged torturers, there was also a girl. “They targeted me, they don’t give me peace,” Leonardo confided to his mother, announcing that he wanted to leave Panzini where he had enrolled in September. Sometimes they spat when they saw him pass.

The autopsy

Police seized the boy's cell phone, computer, PlayStation and social media profiles. Forensic analyst Luca Russo will prepare the IT report. A friend of Calcina was attacked on Monday by one of the attackers, who entered his class and slammed the door: “You must not say my name,” he allegedly shouted at him. Two of the boys did not show up for school. The funeral will take place this afternoon in Montignano. The autopsy revealed that death was caused by an oblique shot from the Beretta pistol in the mouth. The bullet left the temporal region, causing injuries to the skull and brain. A meeting between parents and school representatives was scheduled for Monday, October 14 to discuss the problem. But first Leonardo committed suicide.

The previous

Meanwhile, another boy who attended the institute speaks about bullying at school. They called him fat and insulted him with homophobic epithets until he dropped out of school. “If everything had gone well, I would have completed the fourth year of the hotel high school in Panzini in September,” says the 17-year-old: “Instead, I was no longer able to study and I I preferred to stop.” He explains that it all started in primary school: “When I was a child, I was anorexic,” he says, and being taller than my classmates, they called me the Eiffel Tower. But it hurt me because it was said in a derogatory way. Then there were also physical attacks. Once they put a piece of chalk in my eye, they pointed scissors at my stomach and pulled down my pants.” And again: “I was silent by myself in the office,” he adds, “I don't I didn't bother anyone and I didn't understand why they had to treat me like that.

Glasses, nail polish, long hair

In middle school, it went like this: “Since I had a health problem, I was taking medication that made me gain weight, remember, and then I was labeled as fat. A bitter torment, day after day, but I always kept silent with the bullies, I tried not to react, hoping that they would leave me alone.”

In Panzini, the situation got worse: “I liked to wear nail polish and keep my hair long, and then they started targeting me because of what they thought was my sexual orientation, but in reality I didn't I only did it because I liked it, it's all going on. was a source of ridicule and humiliation. I could no longer study and concentrate. At school I started to react but at home I cried. So I failed and that was further cause for derision. I had no escape. I spent my entire life being judged by those who insulted me because I was too skinny or too fat, because I wore glasses or nail polish or had long hair, because I failed at that very thing. because of them.”

The experience

It was the father of the 17-year-old who asked his son to talk about his experience. “They just pushed me but I reacted, I decided that I would no longer suffer in silence and so they didn't go any further,” he recalls. “In my case only boys harassed me, I think one of them was among those who persecuted the 15-year-old who committed suicide. Now I work and I will enroll in evening schools when I turn 18 so I can get my diploma. Only adults go there, so I shouldn't have any problems.”

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