that's why we stay in the business

After years of Great resignationcharacterized by a wave of voluntary resignations, we are now witnessing an opposite phenomenon: the Grand Stay. The workers Italians are increasingly opting for job stabilityremaining in their current positions. The change of orientation, which appeared during the year 2023 and confirmed by the VIIth Censis-Eudaimon report of 2024, is redrawing the national work landscape, with the well-being of companies which appears to be a fundamental lever for employee loyalty.

But this apparent stability hides a paradox: despite the trend in favor of remaining in the company, we are seeing a growing disaffection with work. What makes employees want to stay? Does job stability really translate into job satisfaction?

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How Big Stay is transforming the workplace

According to the Censis-Eudaimon report, it was observed in 2023 a continued decline in voluntary resignationswhich started with a 5.8% drop in the last quarter of 2022. During the first three quarters of 2023, the reductions were 3.4%, 2.9% and 1.8%. This trend reversed the previous growth trend, which saw increases of 33.6% between 2020 and 2021 and 14% between 2021 and 2022.

The survey highlights that 67.7% of employees would like to reduce the time spent on work in the future; 87.3% believe that placing work at the center of their life is a mistake. And once again, 72.4% of workers would appreciate a corporate social protection consultant to meet their personal and family needs, creating a desire for support that goes beyond traditional professional tasks.

As Alberto Perfumo, CEO of Eudaimon, a company specializing in corporate wellness, observes, “the lesser centrality of work compared to other priorities can lead to people remaining in the company without the right motivations”thereby highlighting the real risk that organizations find themselves managing a stable but potentially demotivated workforce.

This condition could result in less productive and innovative work contexts, marking a transition between Great resignation to the Great exhaustion. In the latter case, employees are physically present, but tired and disinterested.

The result is a work environment populated by “ghost presences,” devoid of energy and creativity. The current challenge for businesses is therefore revive the motivation of those who decide to stay.

Rethinking corporate well-being: strategies for a sustainable and inclusive future

According to the Edenred Italia Well-being Observatory, corporate welfare in Italy recorded significant growth. A significant figure is that 42% of companies have implemented a structured plan, a percentage which rises to 53% among those with more than 1,000 employees.

Between the The most requested benefits are meal voucherschosen by 41% of companies, followed by health services at 31%, agreements and discounts at 25%, organizational flexibility at 24% and training incentives at 22%. Furthermore, the 37% of companies focus on sustainable mobilitypromoting flexible hours and the use of public transport. Corporate social assistance is also seen as valuable support for purchasing power by 55% of workers.

In 2024, the large Italian companies intensified their efforts, implement cutting-edge corporate wellness strategies respond effectively to the phenomenon of Grand Stay.

These initiatives are not only a response to the new dynamics of the labor market, but also represent a paradigm shift in the relationship between company and worker.

As Alberto Perfumo points out: “Companies that have taken up the challenge are investing more and more in well-being, with initiatives that promote a better quality of life for all their employees. »

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