Sammy Basso, the world's longest-serving progeria patient, has died

Sammy Basso died at the age of 28. He was the longest-lived patient with the disease in the world Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndromean ultra-rare pathology characterized by “premature aging” of cells and the body but not of the brain. Sammy Basso died following a sudden illness while at a restaurant in the Treviso area.

Scientist, writer and activist, a few days ago, Sammy he won the Rizzi prize in Venice in the “Environment and Society” category for “the will, the spirit of sacrifice, the courage which supports it: a fine example to look at with admiration and gratitude and to try to imitate”.

Interviewed by Tgr Veneto, he declared: “The message I want to convey concerns the importance of scientific research and of always believing in what we do.” Just a few days ago, in Venice, he received the Paolo Rizzi Journalism Prize in the “Environment and Society” category for “the strength of will, the spirit of sacrifice, the courage that sustains him: a great example to watch with admiration and gratitude and try to imitate.

Collaborators of the Italian Progeria Association (AIPro.Sa.B.), which the boy founded in 2005 to publicize his illness and promote research, announced the news via social networks.

“Today our light, our guide, went out. Thank you Sammy for allowing us to participate in this wonderful life. We gather around our family and friends in respect of the pain at this delicate moment of mourning,” we can read in the note.

Illness, studies and the Association

Born on December 1, 1995 in Schio, he showed no signs of the disease at birth. When the little boy was just over two years old, doctors at the pediatric department of Padua University Hospital advised Sammy's parents to undergo genetic counseling, which allowed them to arrive at the diagnosis. of progeria.

Known for his numerous television appearances and his interviews on the activity of the association and his illness, he became particularly known in Italy after the broadcast of the National Geographic docu-film entitled “Sammy's Journey”, which recounts his journey on along Route 66, in the United States. United States, from Chicago to Los Angeles, with his parents and one of his best friends, Riccardo.

Despite his illness, Sammy, after graduating from high school science at the Liceo Scientifico St. “J. Da Ponte” in Bassano del Grappa, earned his degree in Natural Sciences and Molecular Biology at the University of Padua.

Ironic and brilliant

Sammy Basso was a tireless traveler. A clear and brilliant mind, “colorful” as his friend Jovanotti defines it. He had recently visited China. On social media, he described the trip as wonderful and said he had “found his girlfriend”, a Chinese girl who, however, “dumped” him because he was too smart. “He kept telling me… too cultured, too cultured!” “.

Sammy Basso and his friendship with Jovanotti: “A colorful mind”

“I just learned that Sammy Basso has died. What a huge disappointment,” he wrote. Lorenzo Jovanottihis great friend. “The news of Sammy's departure, although his illness was a constant threat, may come as a surprise to those who knew him, as it was truly difficult to meet anyone more alive than him when he was there. When he came to my concerts, it was a party. His intelligence, his passion, his culture and his ability to harmonize scientific knowledge with unshakeable faith, his formidable humor and his colorful mind now come to mind.” And again: “We spoke a few years ago days to set up an appointment during my trip through the northeast and this morning I imagine Sammy saying “that'll be another time guys…”. “Hello little Sammy, I remember when I came to pick you up in front of the beach full of all these people and it was as if Elvis Presley had appeared on stage with me, all these smiles are with you today. A hug to his family and friends who, over the years, have been his strength and he theirs.”

So instead, Sammy spoke to Storie about meeting and becoming friends with his idol Jovanotti.

His first novel Antenorea and his passion for Tolkien

Among his many passions, also writing. The fantasy book Antenorea, inspired by Tolkienhad marked its debut. Guest of What Will It Be, immediately after his 28th birthday, Sammy described his passion for the writer and invited people to support research: “The fact that I am still here is a demonstration of the importance of research” . .

When he participated in the Sanremo Festival

In 2015, Sammy Basso spoke about his illness on stage at the Ariston al San Remo Festival. Accompanied by his mother and father, interviewed by Carlo Conti, he explains his philosophy of life and becomes known in Italy for his way of approaching life. On the Ariston stage he also said that his favorite song was “Con te partò” by Andrea Bocelli.

When Pope Francis called him

Pope Francis was also in the gallery of friends of Sammy Basso. It was November 2013. The Pontiff telephoned Sammy's home, in Tezze sul Brenta, to ask to speak to the young man who had written him a letter in which he complimented the frank and direct manner in which he addressed the people, a “great” person. in the eyes of Sammy, then a 17-year-old student.

“”Good morning ? I am Pope Francis, can I speak to Sammy?” was the request that Mrs. Laura, the young man's mother, heard on the other end of the line. After a moment of disbelief, she obliged to say that her son was not at home, that he was in class at high school and that he would return early in the afternoon “It's the Pope, she thinks – said the woman. – who asked me if he could call back…”. So later, the phone rang a second time at the Basso house, still the Vatican line, and at the other end of the line there was still Pope Francis The two men stayed to talk for a few minutes, “like a phone call between friends,” Ms. Laura said, with each promising a prayer for the other at the end.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: “Sammy is an extraordinary example”

“Sammy Basso was an extraordinary example of courage, faith and positivity. He faced every challenge with a smile, demonstrating that strength of mind can overcome any obstacle. His commitment to progeria research and its ability to inspire others will forever remain a role model. Sammy showed us all what it means to live with passion and determination, without ever losing the joy and the will to fight. the heart of each of us.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni writes it on X.

Locatelli: “Thanks to his courage and determination”

“An affectionate and moving thought for Sammy Basso, who left us at just 28 years old. Thanks to his courage and determination, he made progeria known to the world, becoming an example of strength and hope. His commitment to research and his testimony will forever remain a precious legacy for all of us” He wrote on Facebook. Minister for the Disabled Alessandra Locatelli.

The President of the Fontana Chamber: “An honor to have met him”

“The pain for the loss of Sammy Basso is enormous. Sammy was a friend, a person with a heart of gold, a passionate scholar with an unwavering determination who transformed his illness into a surge of awareness work, dissemination and research , also supported concretely through the activity of his association. It was an honor to have met him. Thus the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana.

“I had the pleasure of working with him as a minister and I rewarded him in the House in December 2022 for his extraordinary commitment. He leaves us a person who learned so much, through his example, his strength of spirit, his humility and his smile Our embrace and our sincere condolences go to his family and to all those who were by his side, inspired by his charisma and his enthusiasm”, concludes Fontana.

Senate President La Russa: “His example of moral strength is a precious legacy for all”

“Sammy Basso has left us, a figure of extraordinary scientific and human value, the oldest patient in the world suffering from progeria, a rare genetic disease also known as “born old” syndrome. Founder of the Association Italian progeria Sammy Basso onlus, he dedicated his life to raising public awareness of this pathology, promoting research and raising awareness. A highly competent biologist, graduated with honors, he demonstrated through his commitment and determination the possibility of. facing difficulties with dignity, courage and a smile of moral strength and his commitment will remain a precious legacy for the scientific community and for Italy as a whole. My personal condolences and those of the Senate of the Republic go to his family. of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, wrote it on Facebook.

What is progeria

Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford disease – SPHG) is an extremely rare genetic disease characterized by accelerated aging which manifests itself from early childhood, without alteration of intellectual abilitiesbut with alterations of the skin, bones and cardiovascular system. It affects approximately 1 in 8 million live births in the United States of America.

Although they are born healthy, children with Progeria begin to exhibit many characteristics of accelerated aging during the first two years of life. Without treatment, the average age is 14.5 years.

The interview with the geneticist who diagnosed Sammy Basso's disease

Sammy Basso was also a spokesperson for the American Progeria Association. Last week he was in Japan for the World Progeria Conference. But the most important thing is that he graduated in biological sciences with a thesis on his illness. We were expecting him in Rome in November for his postgraduate doctorate in my laboratory.” The one who speaks Professor Novelligeneticist at the University of Tor Vergata, interviewed by Gerardo D'Amico.

“Progeria affects one person in 8 million births. This is due to a mutation in a single gene which provides the information needed to make a fundamental protein that we call “lamina”, this is the membrane that covers the nucleus of cells where the genetic material is located. Progeria is also called the disease of premature aging: young people of 14, 15 years old who feel 80 years old with ailments and pathologies of middle age but with a brain corresponding to their age. In 2002, we identified the first mutations in this gene. Twenty years ago, we made the molecular diagnosis of the disease in Sammy when he was a child.”

Sammy Basso talks about progeria: “I am a revolutionary”

Sammy Basso talks about progeria, a very rare disease that causes premature aging. Thanks to new research, and thanks to the commitment of his parents Laura and Amerigo who founded the Italian association Progeria Sammy Basso to raise awareness of the disease and raise funds to finally find a cure, Sammy was subjected to experimental treatments to slow the disease.

Sammy's family: his lesson is to live life to the fullest

“Sammy taught us that even though life’s obstacles may seem insurmountable at times, it is worth living to the fullest.” This is the message, published on Instagram, with which the family and friends of Sammy Basso wanted to remember the 28-year-old young man from Vicenza, symbol of commitment to research against progeria disease.

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