“Tony Effe is sexist”, controversy in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. Frankie hi-nrg mc: “Girls, put these gentlemen in rhyme back in line”

The controversy continues over the participation of rapper Tony Effe in the Tomorrow Today festival in Trieste, who is now becoming popular on social networks for his disagreements with Fedez. Last Sunday's event, dedicated to young people and against gender violence, was also sponsored by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. What was at the heart of the problem was not so much his performance on stage as the accusations of sexism – which had started before his performance. Accusations that arose, and still arose, from the lyrics that the rapper himself sings and with which he has become very famous. And now the debate has moved to the Regional Council.

Sexist words, contrary to the purpose of the event

Councilor Giulia Massolino of the Pacte pour l'Autonomie-Civique Fvg list raised the issue with a question. According to Massolino, the situation is paradoxical: “It's like calling a fast food giant for an event on responsible nutrition. The violence of the rapper's lyrics is appalling, and the fact that public funds were used to organize the concert as part of an event aimed at young people and focused on gender violence is simply unacceptable.” Hence the request to the Region to withdraw the funding of 80 thousand euros with which it had sponsored the event. The task of the administration, continues the councilor, is to “reinforce healthy behaviors and not the incitement to gender violence and hatred”, also through funding and contributions.

Regional Tourism Councillor Sergio Emidio Bini responded to the request. “The Region condemns all forms of gender-related violence and discrimination. But I don't think it's its role to express judgments or censor texts.” Indeed, on the contrary, inviting such a renowned artist would have given the opportunity to introduce the theme effectively to a young audience. “The aim of the event – continued Bini – is to encourage dialogue with young people on the themes of respect and inclusion. And you can do this thanks to the artists they follow.” The President of the Region Massimiliano Fedriga also spoke: “If we looked at the lyrics of all the singers, not even Vasco Rossi or Fedez could come to Friuli Venezia Giulia. Even in the provocation that expresses the worst malaise of young people, young people can have a voice. » Fedriga then accused “the left group” of “a respectability that I have never seen”

“It would take a team of girls to break him…”

Another Italian rapper, certainly less known to the younger generation, also expressed his opinion on the Tony Effe issue (and not only). Frankie hi-nrg mc fully supported the disdain for lyrics that are emerging in rap, especially after the rhymes between Fedez and Tony Effe. “Anyway, these gentlemen of rhyme can't help but treat women as accessories to be used, exchanged, thrown away, disgusted, etc…” he wrote in a post about a panacea for everyone, including them.

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