Pioltello, the anger of the teachers: “We feel attacked, let’s teach!”

As school workers, we feel offended and mistreated. These days, our values ​​and our dignity have been violated. “Anyone who attacks a school employee attacks the state“Minister Valditara said it recently, but for days we have felt attacked and unprotected by the wave of hatred generated in the press and on social networks, including from political representatives.” These are the words of nearly 200 teachers from the Pioltello Institute, in a letter reported by the online newspaper 'Primalamartesana'. Words, black on white, expressing “indignation at the exploitation” of the decision to close the school on April 10, the day of the end of Ramadan. “The choice of the School arose from the analysis and evaluation of the territorial, social and cultural context in which it is located, on the outskirts of Milan, with a multicultural user base with a majority Arab and Pakistani. We would like to strongly emphasize that our choice is not political and that we distance ourselves from any exploitation”, explain the teachers. “We have been working for years as a school “so as not to let the Italians escape”, – specifies the body teacher – to not create ghetto classes and create harmony and interaction between different cultures, without ever destroying or enslaving one culture to another. Some comments offend and hurt us because we work every day in the respect for constitutional values, because we try to implement through our work the principles of substantial and formal equality enshrined in Article 3 of the Constitution. In the letter, the teachers claim as legitimate the choice of the day of suspension, “voted unanimously by the teachers present in May 2023 and unanimously accepted by the Council of the Institute”. “Those who choose to work at Pioltello – they continued – do so with their soul and their heart because they know that working in this context involves daily sacrifices, because they know that it is a continuous challenge and a continuous experimentation to guarantee education for all in a multicultural environment. classrooms.” “We do not deserve this treatment, we did not propose to the Council of the Institute an additional day of vacation to better rest, so we ask for respect. We ask – this is their conclusion – that the tone is lowered, that we can work calmly and that there is no need to flee or extricate ourselves between the cameras and the microphones in search of a comment worthy of interest. Let us 'teach'! “.

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